Mains > International relations > India and Neighbours > Bangladesh Liberation war
The United Nations General Assembly recently adopted a historic resolution to graduate three nations, in...
- For Prelims, map-based questions and questions on recent India-Bangladesh initiatives, power pants, Teesta River etc. can be asked.
- For Mains, direct question on India's role in Liberation war, India-Bangladesh border management, refugee crisis and water diplomacy can be asked. The content can also be used in questions related to internal security and border area management.
Mains > Post Independence Consolidation > Wars & Emergency > Bangladesh Liberation war
March 2021 marks 50 years of the Bangladesh Liberation War, where Bangladesh, with the support of India, ...
- For Prelims, questions on various events of the war and features such as Vijay diwas can be asked.
- For Mains, besides direct questions in GS 1( Post-independence India), the content can also be used in questions related to evolution of India's foreign policy, India's role in South Asia etc.