Mains > Science and Technology > Energy > Nuclear energy
SYLLABUS:GS 3> > Science and Technology > Energy > Nuclear energyREFERENCE NEWS:In her Budget 2024 speech,...
Mains > Science and Technology > Energy > Nuclear energy
Syllabus: GS 3 > Science and Technology > Energy > Nuclear energy REFEREN...
Preliminary > Science and Technology > Innovation and New technologies > Nuclear energy
Why in news? While searching for a magic number, physicists in Japan have recently discovered a new isotope of ura...
Preliminary > Economic Development > Indian Economy and Issues > Nuclear energy
Why in news? The Union Minister of Atomic Energy and Space has announced a nuclear plant will soon be operational ...
Preliminary > Science and Technology > Global research projects and India > Nuclear energy
Why in news? India has supplied four km of cryolines, capable of operating at temperatures ranging from minus 269 ...
Preliminary > Science and Technology > Energy > Nuclear energy
Why in news? Recently, member of NITI Aayog V K Saraswat suggested the government to focus on setting up small mod...
Preliminary > International Relations > Strategic Groupings > Nuclear energy
Why in news? India is looking forward to joining the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), overcoming the political imped...
Preliminary > Disaster Management > Miscellaneous > Nuclear energy
Why in news? New India Assurance (NIA) will soon complete the placement of property cover for units three and four...
Preliminary > International Relations > International Institutions > Nuclear energy
Why in news? International Atomic Energy Agency will hold an emergency meeting on 2nd march 2022, about Ukraine, w...
Preliminary > Science and Technology > Energy > Nuclear energy
Why in news? A team at the Joint European Torus (JET) facility in the United Kingdom said they have achieved a new...