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National Turmeric Board

2023 OCT 5

Preliminary   > Industry and Infrastructure   >   Miscellaneous   >   Miscellaneous

Why in news?

  • In response to the persistent requests of turmeric farmers nationwide, the Indian government has formally instituted the National Turmeric Board.

About Turmeric Board

  • The board, under the Union Commerce Ministry, will be dedicated to the development and growth of turmeric and turmeric-related products in India.
  • While the Union Cabinet had approved the formation of the NTB, a decision on where it will be headquartered has not yet been taken.

Composition of the Board

  • The Board shall have a Chairperson to be appointed by the Central Government.
  • It will have members from the Ministry of AYUSH, Departments of Pharmaceuticals, Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Commerce & Industry of the Union Government, senior State Government representatives from three states (on rotation basis), select national/state institutions involved in research, representatives of turmeric farmers and exporters.
  • The board will also have a secretary to be appointed by the Department of Commerce.

Turmeric Industry in India

  • India is a leading producer and exporter of turmeric in the world.
  • The largest producing states of Turmeric are Maharashtra, Telangana, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
  • India has more than 62% share of world trade in turmeric.

About Turmeric

  • Turmeric contains a chemical called curcumin, which might reduce swelling. Curcumin also gives turmeric its yellow colour.



Consider the following statements regarding National Turmeric Board:

  1. It functions under the Union Commerce Ministry.
  2. The chairperson of the board is appointed by the Central Government.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2
