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India – Nepal Relations
2024 MAY   10
2023 SEP   20
Narmada River
2023 SEP   20
Konark Wheel
2023 SEP   14

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  •   Indian Economy and issues
  •   Budgeting
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  •   Storage, transport & marketing
  •   Allied areas
  •   Food processing
  •   Land reforms
  •   Industrial Policies
  •   Infrastructure & Investment models
  •   Bio technology
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  •   National institutions & initiatives
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  •   Global research projects & India
  •   Contributions of Indians
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  •   Degradation & Deforestation
  •   Pollution
  •   Protected area networks
  •   National envi initiatives
  •   Species extinction & protection
  •   basic ecology
  •   Ozone depletion
  •   Biodiversity
  •   Global warming
  •   Disasters
  •   Disaster mitigation
  •   Development and Extremism
  •   Cyber Security
  •   Money laundering
  •   Border area management
  •   Indian Constitution
  •   Union and States
  •   Comparison of constitutions
  •   Local self governance
  •   Seperation of Powers
  •   Parliament
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  •   Aspects of Good Governance
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  •   India Foreign Policy
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  •   Stages of the struggle
  •   Reorganisation
  •   Wars & Emergency
  •   Post liberalisation era
  •   Revolutions
  •   World Wars
  •   Industrial Revolutions
  •   Colonization & Decolonization
  •   Political philosophies
  •   Cold war
  •   Features of Indian Society
  •   Communalism
  •   Role of women
  •   Population, poverty & associated issues
  •   Urbanisation
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  •   Geomorphology
  •   Geophysical phenomenon
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