Great Indian Bustards (GIB)
2023 JUN 14
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Environment and Ecology > Biodiversity > Species in news
Why in news?
- As Cyclone Biporjoy approaches the port of Jakhau in Kutch, Gujarat, there are concerns about the impact on the Great Indian Bustards (GIB) in Naliya region
About Great Indian Bustards (GIB):
- It is one of the heaviest flying birds (weighing up to 15kgs). They inhabit dry grasslands and scrublands on the Indian subcontinent.
Conservation Status:
- IUCN Red List:
- Critically Endangered species with less than 150 birds left in the wild.
- Wildlife (Protection) Act,1972:
- They are endemic to the Indian subcontinent.
- They are found in Rajasthan (Desert National park), Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh in India and parts of Pakistan.
- Great Indian bustards are tall birds with long legs and long necks; the tallest individuals may stand up to 1.2 metres high.
- Males and females are distinguished by the colour of their feathers.
- Food Habits:
- Great Indian bustards are omnivores. They prey on various arthropods, worms, small mammals, and small reptiles.
- Death by collision with infrastructure, particularly power lines and wind turbines
- Depletion of grasslands
- Hunting
- Development of mines and human habitation in and around their habitats among others.
Conservation Initiatives:
- Project Great Indian Bustard:
- It was launched by Rajasthan Government with the objective of conservation of the remaining population of critically endangered Great Indian Bustard (Ardeotis nigriceps) locally called Godawan.
- Firefly bird diverters:
- These are flaps installed on power lines, a reason for many deaths among GIB. They work as reflectors for bird species like the GIB. Birds can spot them from a distance of about 50 meters and change their path of flight to avoid collision with power lines.
Consider the following statements:
1. Pollution of wetlands
2. Installation of high-voltage electric lines
3. Competition for resources with Black Necked Crane
4. Diversion of grasslands for other uses
Which of the above stated threats are directly affecting the population of ‘Great Indian Bustard’ in India?
(a) 1 and 3 only
(b) 2 and 4 only
(c) 1,2 and 4 only
(d) 1,,2,3 and 4